Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day Nine

March 29, 2010

Yesterday I went to Knotts Berry Farm. WOOHOO right? WRONG!!! I went with a volunteering center I work at every Saturday. So a bunch of volunteers and disabled children went to go have a nice little time at the amusement park. When we got dropped off there was no problem. We said, "Don't worry!" to all of the students' parents, we ate some delicious bbang, and we got put into groups, we had a good laugh when one of the guy volunteers went into the girl's bathroom. Everything was handydandy, until we went through the entrance gate. So I was put into a group of four volunteers, three students, and one teacher. I thought it was okay, but I slowly found out that we had the HARDEST group. Our students couldn't ride ANYTHING! In the ENTIRE park my student rode a merry go round and this swing thing. He cried after both. And the other students in my group rode the merry go round and the train. They cried before, during, and after EVERY SINGLE ride. My kid REFUSED to ride the train, the airplane, the boat, the ferris wheel, the race car, the slow log ride, the horse, nor the carriage. Whenever we would walk into the entrance of a ride, my student will scream, "NO!!! X!!! TRY AGAIN!!!" I would hold him tight so he wouldn't get away, and then he would do a nice like criss-cross -applesauce stance and start BANGING his head on the hard concrete floor while screaming. That probably happened 54835893535403 times during the "fun day". We then ate, well if you consider students throwing around food, then we ate a FEAST FIT FOR TWENTY KINGS! So from 9 AM to 4 PM, I probably had the TIME OF MY LIFE! weeoo.
After the hectic journey i was so tired that i knocked out when i saw the first sight of my lovely bed. Slept from 5 PM to 6 AM of the next day. A GOOD OL' 13 HOURS! WEEOO!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day Eight

March 21, 2010

How to get a stomach ache. First, you get two handful of strawberries. Cut up the strawberries and place them on a plate. Then, get sugar and lightly sprinkle it over the strawberries. After you are satisfied with your plate, get a fork and dig in. You will soon be put in a trance. You will not be able to stop eating this delicious fruit. You will finish the plate in around thirty seconds. Wait a few seconds. Congratulations, you have successfully gotten yourself a stomach ache. Now run to the bathroom.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day Seven

March 14, 2010

Today is Pi Day! Weeoo!

Anyways, so today me and three other fellahs were playing basketball in CV. 2-2. And out of no where these four guys walk up to us and ask for a 4-4 game. And we said, "Sure, why not!"...THEY WERE BEASTS! freaking fast a lightning. ANYWAYS. Well so we said best of three games to 11points! The first game we lost 7-11. Then we got our mojo and won the second game 11-9. BOOM SUCKA! And the last game we lost 10-12. We were close. Next time.

So after our crazy three games we washed our hands at the water fountains and headed home. So as we were walking we decided that its too much working bending over and carrying the basketball, so we started kicking it to the car. So David was kicking the ball in front of this hairy white guy and David accidently kicked the ball too hard. Instead of moving out of the way, the white man kicks the ball! It bounces off David's foot and back at the man's foot. And it flies off 20 feet away. Crazy hairy man.

And after our hairy man encounter we see this 250 pound man climbing a fence. I think he got tired climbing up. Cause at the top, he was just sitting there with the fence between his legs. Lovely view.

And last but not least, I bought myself a pack of MEGA MYSTERY flavor stride WEEOO.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day Six

March 13, 2010

So tomorrow is daylight savings. You will never see the clock hit 12:00. It will go from 11:59 to 1:00. What a shame. So sadly we get one less hour of sleep. Such a shame. I think we should get school off the day after daylight savings, just to get back on track.

Okay, so the creepiest thing happened to me. I was on Facebook and this Taiwanese girl requests to be my friend. Since I doubt she could confuse me with some other fellow named Nahum Kim, I added her. So I went on her profile, and looked through her pictures. I didn't recognize her at all. So i went and asked her how she knew me. So she said, " i saw your value in FRIENDS FOR SALE is just a 100k. i kinda made it 100million. :) hope you dont mind though."...WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!??! i deleted that stalker. Hope I never bump into that girl.

She looked something like this.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day Five

March 10, 2010

Today after school, I went to go play golf at Brookeside (golf course). My mom dragged me along so that I can schedule my first lesson with a new teacher. His name was Larry, but if you are my mom, you would call him Rarry. Well we scheduled a lesson and i started just hitting some balls. I went to the mat right next to these two black guys. They were the FUNNIEST guys EVER. One of them was really tall and around 60 years old and the other one was small and around 70. The big black guy talked like Dave Chappelle, so he would cuss after every other word, and the small black talked like the guy from "Can I Have Your Number". So the the tall one was talking about how his ex-wife came back to his house. And she turned on the fan. And the big black guy said, "Turn off that motha-f*cking fan! Are you the one paying for the motha-f*cking electricity bill? I don't think so, bitch! Now you turn that sh*t off, or I will make you turn that sh*t off!" I couldn't golf cause I was so distracted. But hearing an angry black guy's ALL worth it.

And after I golfed for a while, I drove my mom's car at the parking lot. I was drifting and what not so my mom told me to get on the street. So I went on the street and I was driving like a pro...until a car came right behind me. I got nervous and I started slowing down. And then the car honked at me. I wasn't going slow, I was just trying to be under the speed 30 mph.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Day Four

March 8, 2010

Today, it was my grandpa's 제사 (Jeh-Sah) night. It was pretty chill. We did that whole bowing business and ate pears and what not.

Oh! my friend bought me something on eBay that i really wanted!!! And it costed 1 cent! Weeoo! It is usually 10 dollars, but you know us. grabbing all the crazy shizzles at the last second! But we aren't bragging! Even though we got the thing when there was 8 minutes left :].

Another big thing that happened today was, New Epik High Album, epilogue!!! WOOHOO!
sexy no?

so that's all that went down today. Full of memories, good-timing, and music.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day Three

March 6, 2010

Today i ate a freaking purple potato!! At first it was so gross that i didn't want to eat it. But after i ate it, i couldn't stop eating. Ate like 48390483290482390 pieces. give it a try! you won't regret it!

After eating, I went to cemetery to visit my grandparents. Even though it was raining, it was refreshing just relaxing next to their tombstones. Even though i was young, I remember my grandparents like they were taking care of me yesterday. Because my parents were off at work and providing the roof over our family's heads, my grandparents had to take care of me most of the time. They are the reason i sit on my chair a certain way, the reason why i eat my food a certain way, and that is why i write a certain way. If it weren't for them i would be a totally different person. And i will always pray for them.

And i hung out with two of the fellahs today too. They suck at picking yellow/green onions. But we had fun! we had a blast. And we spent around 6 hours just playing around. Another day, another dollar spent... or thirty dollars.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Day Two

March 5, 2010

Today my parents brought home new chopsticks! :]. They are freaking amazing. They weigh around .00000000001 pounds. I freaking fly from dish to dish. One second in hungry and the next thing you know, i have a kimchi in my mouth. Amazing chopsticks makes food taste better.

Afterwards me and couple of the fellahs went to go see Alice in Wonderland. It was pretty good. Probably a 8 out of 10. Not bad. Not the best, but good enough to watch once.

After the movies we walked to Carl's Jr. And as i was ordering i didn't know what to buy, so i asked the cash register person, "What do you recommend, the teriyaki burger or the jalopeno burger?" And he looked at me with his jiggling double chin and said, "Hey man, i don't like burgers." HE CONVINCED ME TO BUY A BURGER! DAMN! BEST BURGER SALESMAN EVER!!! REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY! SO MUCH BETTER THAN THAT KIM KARDASHIAN COMMERCIAL! But yeah, he's the worst burger seller that ever existed.

And finally, Joseph Tran gave his girlfriend herpes, in the mouth.

she got nothing on the fat guy

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day One

March 4, 2010

Today I got a call from LDC (leadership development camp). I signed up to be a staff and i was getting an interview through the phone. When i received the phone call i started shaking cause i was so nervous. i picked up the phone. I said, "HhhhhHHHHello?" My voiced cracked like i went to puberty all over again. I did the interview, had a few slip-ups but came out of it alive. I talked about what i would do to contribute to the camp and all the things i have already done. After the interview the interviewer told me, "Don't worry. You did a good job." WOOHOO! im afraid i wont make it though... that would suck. well as i was "studying" i came across a song i used to listen to frequently. Prince of Peace. It's bomb.
