Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day Thirteen

April 21, 2010

Why can't people remember the good things instead of the bad? Instead remembering the time when someone gave someone else a nice piece of candy, gave them a hug, and gave them a high five, people only remember the time when that person said a tiny, bad thing that the person didn't even mean to say. Such a difficult world.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day Twelve

April 20, 2010

Today I had a BLAST in english class. So a couple days ago, I witnessed my english teacher get into a car accident right next to school. I was driving the car behind the car that hit her. It was awesome! The car that crashed into my teacher's car lost its front bumper, and my teach's car had the living crap beaten out of it. So my teacher did not know that I was only a couple feet away from the accident when it happened. I told my teacher and she was estatic! She jumped up to me and asked to give her insurance company my number.

ANYWAYS! Back to today. In the middle of class we hear a cellphone ring. It's my english teacher's phone. She gets a call from the local police officer about accident. Everyone is ignored the fact that we had to grade a test and started listening to her talk to the police. And she says,"Yes! I have him right now!" She then give me a little signal and then I knew it was time for me to talk to the big dog. So i grabbed the cellphone, headed over to the back of the room, and said, "Hello." I thought everyone would resume english time reading and what not, but that's not what went down. Everyone, including my english teacher, was gazing at me! I told my teacher that she didn't need to listen to my conversation and she just responded, "NONONO I need to listen to this" So for about two minutes I talked to the police officer on the phone with 60 little eyes all up on me. After I hung up the phone, I gave the phone to my teacher, and received an applause. Weird. So people were tossing out ideas like, EXTRA CREDIT! A+! hahahaha, but instead I got myself four delicious pieces of candy! YUM! :D


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day Eleven

April 7, 2010

Today I went on over to the DMV to get my permit. They did the usual bit; eye test, thumb print, photo, the whole shabang. It felt like i waited for hours. I used the bathroom occasionally too. I went in the bathroom, found myself a nice urinal, and got my business done. As I was finishing up, a hairy Mexican guy walks through the door. As he is heading towards the stall he stops, looks at me, and say, "Mucho aqua amigo." I look around to see that no one else is in the bathroom and he doesn't have a headset. I try to play along and chuckled with a awkward, "Yeah." I zipped up my pants and dashed out of there.

After my perverted encounter, I stood in line for AGES. I got through albums after albums on my iPod. Then I saw my homie Ailin, I said whatsup and continued to wait. I took the test. You could get 8 wrong at most, and I got 8 wrong. I GOT MY PERMIT! HOLLA! Soon you'll see this cool kid on the streets with an Aston Martin, holding the wheel like one hand, and the other hand is combing his luscious hair. If you do see this man, you're probably looking at me driving.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Day Ten

April 2, 2010

So today I went to a hospital in order to get this weird thing on my toe. I had this really nasty bruise on my foot from hitting the corner of a table on my right big toe. It was just a scar at first, but after a while puss started forming! YUCK huh? well I went to the doctors and he told me I had an infection and that he has to cut the entire left side of my toe and clean out all the nasty stuff. I was freaking nervous cause it hurt just poking my toe, so cutting the nail would be like HELL. But the doctor inserted 5748395735439857 needles into my toes first and made it completely numb. He did his business and patched me up. With a waddle, I went out the examination room. So for the next two weeks I have to wear bandages around my toe. If you see me, I'll be waddling.
