Friday, November 26, 2010

Day Twenty-four

November 26, 2010

Today, well yesterday now, i became my family taxi. now my parents can go party and get drunk while i drive them home. hahahah. so today (yesterday) was thanksgiving and what i did was give thanks. yeah i went to my dad's store and i gave out free hotdogs. free dogs, free drinks, free condiments, free napkins, free utensils, the whole shabang. well i started working at 11 and i ended at 4. these group of four kids kept taking food, going around the block, coming back, and eating more dogs. hahahah those kids. well after i stained my shirt with ketchup and mustard i went to my uncle's house and had a thanksgiving dinner. ate some STEAK and played some yugioh with my cousins (= after hanging out with the fam i went over to my dad's best friend's house. there i just messed around with my dad's friend's son. he's like a childhood friend, so we start laughing when we are around each other. after my parents got drunk and i dragged them to the car but as i was leaving, my dad's friend (who was totally wasted) came up to my car window and gave me some MULLAH! i love drunk people <3 after that i drove my parents home safely. all in all it was a day filled with a lot of driving.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day Twenty-four

November 21, 2010

So yesterday I came home from volunteer and my parents said "Let's go!" I asked them where we are going and they said they found a newspaper ad that sold a nice car for really cheap. and then I asked who it was for. They looked at me and they told me that they were buying me a car. At that moment angels from the heavens came down and started dancing and singing. At that exact moment I pissed my pants. So we stayed at the dealership for around 4 hours and I finally got my car!!! SEXAY!!! and after that I met up with Emily and Cindy and we watched Harry Potter with Jonathan. after that it was like midnight so we ate in n out and called it a day. But yes, important news of the day is that I got me a sexy car (=

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day Twenty-three

November 12, 2010

So yesterday was a pretty fun day. I hung out with my favorite person in the entire world (=. So we went to the zoo, yeah pretty random, and we just walked around and saw just a bunch of animals and took some pictures and all. it was fun. soooo we passed by some lions, and the first time we walked passed them cause they were sleeping and they were just extremely boring to look at. after watching apes beat their chest, birds flap their wings, and sea lions swim around, we headed out of the park. so as we were looking for the exit we passed by the lions again. they were awake this time, so a CROWD of people gathered around to see the magnificent lion do whatever a magnificent lion does. there were more children than adults. so as we were watching the lions, the head lion (the one with the mane) stands up and goes behind the lady lion. (do you see where i'm going with this?) so the guy lion starts humping the eyeballs out of the girl lion and all the people over ten years old are just standing there with their mouths open and all the kids don't know what is going on! HAHAHA. so yes after the humping session, the guy lion stands up and starts to ROAR! victory goes to the guy lion (; after crazy discovery channel sex, the people in front of us start discussing which one of the lions started the whole seduction festival. "Dude, the girl lion was totally licking up on the guy lion in the beginning" HAHAHAHA.

So after fun at the zoo, we headed to la and got some pho. good shiz. and after that we went back to glendale to buy my favorite person some new shoes for her birthday. got some sexy white vans that her mom wants to steal from her ahhahahah. after that we just headed on to her house, met up with johnathan and cindy, and just talked. all in all it was a great day. hopefully there are more fun days like this.


that's pretty much how things went down.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day Twenty-two

November 8, 2010

So I am writing a essay right now. The essay is pretty much about how texting directly affects a child's language. So as I am writing this essay I start talking about a child's past without technology. As I am talking about life as a child, I start to think about my childhood. And one story just popped into my head hahahaha.

So my entire 3rd grade class was taking a trip to the fire station. But instead of taking a bus, we just walked for five blocks to the fire station. The teachers played it safe and made everyone buddy up and get into a line. I remember I was buddied up with this random white kid... I don't remember his name, but I remember him being white. So as we were walking, I decided to raise my hand for a question. yeah... what the hell would I be asking when we are WALKING??? well anyways I raise my hand as close to the sky as I can, and the teacher doesn't notice me. I didn't move my hand, cause it was an important question i guess hahaha. and as I was keeping my hand raise, a pigeon flies on by and POOPS right on the palm of my hand. so with the poop on my hand, I decided to wipe the poop on my friend's arm. He was pale enough to not notice the poop markings on his arm, and the kid went on for the rest of the trip with bird crap on his arm.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day Twenty-one

November 4th, 2010

So today I ate out with the fam. we ate at this korean place, you know, the usual thursday night business. so me and my parents started talking about memories we had about the past. we went all the way from going to hawaii to the time i was in diapers. we talked a lot, but there was one really funny story.

so the story starts out with me at kindergarten. i was your average joe asian kid with the big head and the sexy combed hair. so my parents were at work and i was just chilling in the playground. i decided to go on the see-saw with one of my girl friends (yeah that's what's up. i was a pimp! justkidding). so yeah there i was just minding my own business, and then some jealous guy came up to me and pushed me off the see-saw, my muscles weren't as developed at that time, so i couldn't teach him a lesson. but i got hurt and i think i started to cry? not sure. so i went to the nurse's office and something happened in the nurses office, and i barfed and fainted. so the ambulance came and everything and i went to the emergency room.

i was completely fine, i didn't feel a thing, but my parents didn't know that. when my parents got the call from work, they went bonkers! my dad got the call first and headed on out to the er before my mom found out. SO i was kinda a momma's boy when i was younger, so when my mom found out that i was in the emergency room, he was about to start ripping out her hair. she was EXTREMELY worried. so my mom got out of work ASAP and drove her call through LA traffic and to the hospital. she SPRINTED to the er and then to my room. out of breath, she opened the door and there my dad and i were....watching dragon ball z on the hospital bed tv. yup, we were lying on the bed watching goku poke freiza with his yellow hair. and my mom was walking in ready to start crying her eyes out. hahahahahahah. good times.
