Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day Thirty-two

January 29, 2011

So yesterday the weirdest thing happened to me. So I went to get some groceries with my mom yesterday, and we stopped by this korean market in la. Before we entered to get food, my mom spotted this 60 year old man selling magazine subscriptions. My mom shows interest and I look at the delicious looking bread next to the man's little table. After my mom buys the subscription, she calls me over so I could carry the magazines to the car. As soon as the man saw me, fireworks shot out of his eyes. He was like, "OH! Is that your son???"
Mom, "Yes it is."
"WOW, you really raised him well!! He looks great! My son is all skinny and stuff, but your son has the PERFECT amount of fat! wow you really really raised him well."
....yup. I didn't know what to do. So he goes on rambling about how he wants his thirteen year old son to have the exact same body figure as me, and how much he was in love with me... homo. So the man places all the magazines my mom purchased in a small plastic bag and handed it to me. As soon as I had a grip on the bag, he snuck up behind me and squeezed my waist.
....if you're weirded out how the hell do you think I felt. I freaking jumped like 48034 feet in the air cause he scared the living crap out of me. So after the love-handle squeezing, I like ran to the car, and I was "UMMA, LET'S GO!!!!!"


Monday, January 24, 2011

Day Thirty-one

January 24, 2011

Today's blog is going to be inspirational quotes from two people: my chemistry tutor and Will Smith.

My tutor said to me, "If an NFL player drops a pass, it does not mean he doesn't know how to catch a ball, it just means he didn't make the catch. You know your material, all you have to do is catch the ball."

Will Smith said, "You don't set out to build a wall. You don't start there; you say, I'm gonna lay this brick, as perfectly as a brick can be laid. And you do that every single day, and soon you have a wall."

-Nahum is inspired to tear shit up

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day Thirty

January 22, 2010

So today I took the SAT, and after the test I went to eat some MEXICAN food with my parents. So after I stuffed down my enchilada, my parents and I started talking about sleeping and lucid dreams and such. After a couple of minutes, we got to talk about me sleeping walking. hahahaha. I never knew that I sleepwalked, but apparently, I get up during the night, go to my bathroom, and just pee. I don't necessarily pee in the toilet, I just pee, HAHAHAHA. But my parents, aren't surprised when I do that, cause I apparently do that often! They say sometimes, when they are lucky, I'm a straight shooter, and I land everything in the toilet!!! But the WORST part is, sometimes, I wouldn't go to the bathroom closest to my room. My parents said that I would sometimes go to my dad's bathroom and just pee in the bathtub!!!! hahahahah. yeah, I'm a freak. Don't invite me to your sleep-overs.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day Twenty-nine

January 2, 2011

Today sucked. It has to be one of the WORST days ever. If you know me even moderately well, you know that I love the LA Lakers and the St. Louis Rams. So today the Lakers played the Grizzlies and got murdered and the Rams lost to the Seahawks. The Lakers losing, I didn't mind as much but the Rams' game was the last regular season game, and
if they would have won, they would have gone to the playoffs...and sadly they lost. And I watched the ENTIRE game, including the halftime show. I could have spent my time studying all this junk that I procrastinated on!!! GAHH. Whatever, the Rams will get a better draft pick I guess. )=

next year baby.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day Twenty-eight

New Years is the only day when being Korean is awesome.

Any other day, it's all about 5.0 GPA, 2400 SAT, being president of a school club, eating smelly food, and dealing with angry Korean parents. It's stressful being a Korean. Since the day we are born we already have a life goals thought through for us. BAM as soon as I took my first breath in the world my parents said, "You're gonna be a dentist/doctor/lawyer, engineer." Living a Korean life is like playing a boring game with one life left, one mess up and it's game over: parents start to go crazy, they tell you that you aren't going to college, and they spank you a couple of times.

But New Year's Day, is the reason I didn't run away from home. In a Korean household you go to your relative's house on New Years and bow to them while saying "seh-he-bok mahn-e-bah-d-seh-yo". After you say those magic words, they tell you how to life the rest of the year and BAM they hand a a shiny white envelope filled with money! Yup that's right, MONEY!!! You come out of that house white a heavy pocket and so many more relatives to go. After getting all that green, you go home, toss your money on your bed, and swim in Benjamin's.

New Years is the only day when being Korean is awesome.
