Monday, March 28, 2011

Day Thirty-seven

March 28, 2011

I was going to write about this in yesterday's blog but that would have made my post too long. So a couple of days ago some guys grafitti'ed my school. So in order to fix the rainbow of colors on the wall, my school hired some painters to paint over the walls. So as they were painting I went outside my classroom to go to the bathroom. And as I opened the door I accidentally bumped into one of the painters, and we had a.....interesting conversation.


"Oh I'm sorry."
"What did you do?"
"What are you sorry about?"
"You shouldn't be sorry. You should be on your way."

The painter was TICKED off! Did I do something wrong? Is saying sorry rude sometimes? I don't know. This wasn't really an important part of my day, but it was definitely memorable.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day Thirty-six

March 26, 2011

So a couple of days ago I decided to eat at MickeyD's. I bought a burger, fries, and a cup for my soda. I walk up to the soda dispenser and this old man and this grandson walk up next to me. I get my Dr. Pepper in my medium-sized cup and this old man is pouring pink lemonade into his water cup. And as soon as the pink liquid landed in his clear cup, the grandson said, "Grandpa, wrong cup!!!" The grandpa, obviously knowing his wrongdoing says, "Oh, really? Okay, I'll get it right next time." The grandpa walked away with free pink lemonade.
This brought me to the question: Why are humans so evil? Do we naturally go against the rule as we age? When we were children, we were innocent: watercup=only water, cheating on a test will lead to dire consequences, inhaling smoke from the smoker next to you is going to kill you. We were little angels, and look at us now. We are probably the best cheaters in the world, I find ways to cheat on tests, and lie to my parents, and skip church, and break rules.
A person came up to me the other day and told me, "You're really immature." I looked at her with one eyebrow up and asked, "How?" She stumbled on her words and said, "You're just are too hyper and active, all the time." That kinda hit me. Really? Am I really immature? When you think of mature do you think of cool, smooth badasses that lean against walls, stay quiet, and break the rules? So just cause I follow the rules, does that make me immature? Okay. Have fun growing up, I'm cool just the way I am. Apparently I'm a fucking kid.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day Thirty-five

March 8, 2011

A good thing and a bad thing happened to me today.

So starting with the bad. I walk into English class finding out that there was homework due today. I look at my seat partner and ask, "Homework? What homework?" (The worst part was, it was block day today, which meant that class was twice as long as usual). I had to suffer waiting in my seat hoping that the teacher forgot there was homework due today for a little under two hours. The first hour past by and I started to get more comfortable and relaxed, the teacher didn't show any sign of awareness. 15 minutes left of class, he talks about the homework due tomorrow and finishes his lecture. 5 minutes left of class everyone starts to pack up and he says "See you Thursday, kids." And right as he said that, WITH FOUR MINUTES LEFT OF CLASS, a mysterious voice in the corner says, "What about the homework?" I was ready to punch that girl in the nose. Why the hell would you say that?!?!?! Do you like screwing people over??? GAHHHHHHH so yeah I got a zero on that assignment, THANKS A LOT $(#*($*@#($*@#)($&@#)($*@#)(%$#()%^*@$$.

Well, on the flip side, I had a really fun talk with my parents. So today while eating, we started talking about sex. hahahah it's not like they were teaching me about the bird and the bee, they were talking about what I should do. It was funny cause my mom wanted me to search for the perfect girl and my dad wanted me to be a pimp. HAHAHAHA. So my dad's giving me all these advice that I need to use in order to get the honeys! I listened, but there is no way in hell I'm going to use them ahahhah. We talked about girls, sex, plastic surgery, make-up, the whole shabang. I love my parents. Even though we fight a lot, at the end of the day, they're still my parents, and I couldn't ask for a better pair.
