Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day Fifteen

May 15, 2010

The past three days were all about movies.

On Thursday I watched Kick-Ass. Good stuff. Funny acting, simple story, and it had some comedy in it. The good part about the comedy was that it wasn't forced, the laughs came out of the characters' personalities. Another good part of the movie were the scenes, they were very well done. The background was great, the locations portrayed the story well, and the extras also created a believable atmosphere.
8.4 out of 10

On Friday I watched Robin Hood. Was a decent movie, but expected more from a story that I was familiar with. The movie covered the back story behind the actual story everyone is familiar with, which was pretty interesting, but also very tedious. The camera work was amazing; however, the acting was shy from perfect. The camera work opened the gates for great action scenes and polishes on fine detail. The characters were also very great and well made. The only huge downside was the time. They spent too long on small details that it dragged the movie to go on longer than it should have been.
8.7 out of 10

Today, I watched Iron Man 2. Honestly, my expectations for this movie was WAY rock bottom, because of everyone's negative inputs on it: "Oh, it was horrible; That chick is SO ugly; Iron Man 1 was a gazillion times better; BLAH BLAH BLAH." After watching it, I wanted to hit all of those critics because it was a great movie. Robert Downey was great, the story line for the movie really led on to the Avengers, the actions scenes were cool, and it had those scenes that made you chuckle. I have to admit it wasn't perfect though. It had some major flaws in both the story and the ending in particular, but other than that it was fun to watch and was worth the overpriced ticket. (The secret ending; however, was not worth the six minutes of waiting.)

P.S. These movie posters are HUGE!

Inspirational Quote: "Fear will last a moment, but regret will last forever." (Kevin Lian)

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