Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day Twenty-five

December 2, 2010

So today my blog is going to be about a young lad named Blake Shepard. Blake is in my English class and he got owned two days ago. So my English teacher is very....forceful. He asks you to argue with him, but if you do he rips your heart out. He is the type of person that tries to persuade you into thinking that everything that comes out of his mouth is correct and that we should follow his words like they're the words of the Bible.

So in class the teacher is talking about how Facebook influenced the community and how students with an addiction to Facebook will most likely not get into their dream colleges. He goes on talking and talking and he keeps reminding us that we should argue with his statements. Eventually he gets into the topic of having the "friend" aspect of Facebook. He said, "How many friends do you have on Facebook? 500? Now how many of them are ACTUALLY your friends? If they truly were ALL your friends then you would have memorized a lot of birthdays and you would have a heck of a Christmas." So this is where Blake Shepard comes in. He raises his hand and says, "I'm gonna have to disagree with you there." This is where the owning beginnings.

The teacher said "GOOD." Blake starts to talk about how they aren't actually friends but "people you know" and we use the word friends on facebook because it is more convenient saying i have 500 friends rather than i have 500 people i know.

The teacher nods his head and then he reaches for his attendance sheet. He scrolls down and finds Blakes name. He says the number, "27". Everyone is class is like WTF?? Our English teacher says, "Okay, so can I call you 27 from now on? Cause it's pretty convenient. Instead of remembering your first and last name and the face to go along with it, can't I just call you 27? I mean it's a lot easier to take attendance that way too! Okay! I will! Go on with your argument 27. You don't mind if I call you 27, do you 27?"

Blake's face was redder than a bottle of ketchup.
I know this blog was stupid but it was the only thing that happened. :P


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