Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day Twenty-seven

December 26, 2010

So yesterday started out bad. My parents and I headed over to my uncles house to watch the Lakers vs. Heat game. We lost. We as in the Lakers! hahahah I consider myself a Laker. So yeah that got me in a slightly less enthusiastic mood, but after all the crying the cousins and I played a game of Monopoly city hahahah we got through like 10 minutes of it and started stuffing our faces with galbi. So we just chilled, played some YuGiOh (HAHAH) and then got some money!! muahahhah. And there will be more money in New Years. BALLIN!

So today I woke up and watched the Rams vs. 49ers game! WE WON! We as in the Rams. hahahahah. Yeah, I'm a Ram and a Laker! Well now that the game is over, I'm just munching on the TAKIS and procrastinating on some Elite SAT homework.

Happy Holidays ya'll




So there have been a lot of crazy movies I want to see. And I'm writing them down here, so I don't forget to watch them! 127 Hours, Fighter, Thor, Green Lantern, Fast Five, Pirates 4, Up in the Air, District 9, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, Takers, Zombieland, The Hangover 2, Up, Sherlock Holmes, Transformers 3, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, The Soloist, Secretariat

HAHAHAH damn I have a lot of movies to watch.

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