Friday, September 3, 2010

Day Seventeen

September 3, 2010

What is up world! It has been a while, yes? Well I shall revive this dead blog (= Well first off, I started Junior Year! HOLLA! Best year of my life, huh? NO! I think I've had more homework in my first week in junior year than the entire first semester of sophomore year. hahahah but I'm sure all this work will pay off once I get sexy grades on my report card (= OPTIMISM DAWG!

Now to talk about today! It seemed like time goes by incredibly fast when you're in class, and when the teacher randomly calls on you to answer a question, it seems like an eternity. Well that happened to me today. I was just taking notes on stuff that the teacher wrote on the board. I was KINDA listening! And then out of the blue, "Nahum, what is another colony that was part of the English rule?" On the board it had Virginia and NORTH Carolina! And what do I say??? Well I said, "HUH???" *FACEPALM* It was so simple that guessing would be okay. And my teacher points at North Dakota and asks, "SOUTH Dakota maybe??" GAHHHH. Yeah I'm a fruit.

Well after school, I headed home, ate some grub, and went to LC to play some basketball. So it was a 4-on-4 game, and... it was pretty intense! ahahha that's all i got to say. We played for a good two and a half hours...yeah I can't feel my legs anymore. So after basketball we walked to McDonald's. We talked, ate burgers and nuggets, and drank smoothies and such. We start talking about random stuff like Albert Fish, Ouija Boards, Chinese people eating human fetuses, Korean people eating fish eyes, and some elevator killer in Korea. Well while we are looking at google images, this lady just walks up to us. Normal looking lady. She starts cussing out of NOWHERE. "Bitches can't read, they are just a bunch of N*ggers!" We tried our best to ignore her, but she was staring at us. She stares at one of my friends, Joseph, and sees that he is wearing a cross necklace. She starts screaming, "Reverend Sun Myung! You Bitch! You can't survive in this world! You don't believe in the principals of change. You have 15 seconds! 15 seconds! 15 seconds!"...So yeah she's a lunatic. We tried to avoid her by making up lame excuses like, "I'm gonna get a refill", "Oh, I think they gave me one less McNugget". Eventually the woman gets kicked out of McDonald's by the manager and we just continue talking about her.

All in all, it was a pretty fun day today.


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