Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day Twenty

October 21, 2010

So today I was at the DMV. not cause I was taking a permit test, no, I was taking my behind-the-wheels test. Well it was my second time taking the test and I was even more nervous the second time, because i knew that if I failed then I only had ONE more shot! I started getting light headed and started trying to calm myself down by breathing in deeply. breathing in deeply doesn't help for crap, it just made me inhale a cloud of cigarette smoke from the Mexican guy smoking next to me.

Before I get to the test I have to talk about the actual DMV. It is a freaking fun place to hang out at. the people are just so animated. So on my way over to the DMV there was a hobo on the street. He waved his sign around while everyone was behind the red light. And so soon as the streetlight turned green, and no one gave the man money, the whooped out his cellphone and checked the time! AHAHHAHAHA what kind of a homeless guy caries around an iPhone???

So at the DMV i waited next to this 90-year old man who was in love with the Lakers. he showed his crazy knowledge for the team and stats. you could ask him what Kobe Bryants average points per game was in 2003, and he would answer you without hesitation. The old man was very sick, and he had to wear a mask over his mouth. the old man told me that he was here for his grandson's driving test. after the man at the counter screamed "Mr. Nayhoom Kim", the old man and I exchanged farewells and I was off to take the test.

So I'm in the car and my heart is beating faster than DragonForce plays the guitar. my hand is was shaking the car. i couldn't think straight so I turned on the radio to listen to possibly some peaceful music....Eminem turned i just turned off the music. So my instructor comes up to the car and we headed off into the streets. I do all that business, with the turns, and the signals, and the intersections. the instructor was SLASHING her pen across my paper and I was scared out of my life. i looked at her and i asked her, "Are we going on the freeway?"...SHE DIDN'T ANSWER ME. i thought to myself OH CRAP I'M SCREWED. the lady started giving me directions back to the dmv. and i thought i was done for. I thought i failed and I started getting SUPER sad. so i parked the car and them she looks into my eyes. She starts ranting about how badly i drove and I started to get more and more sad. BUT after all the ranting she said, "...but I'm gonna give you a license." ....yeah i totally peeped my pants a little. the end of the story is.....I GOT MY LICENSE BABY! BOOYAAAAA!


you shall be mine soon!

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