Monday, November 8, 2010

Day Twenty-two

November 8, 2010

So I am writing a essay right now. The essay is pretty much about how texting directly affects a child's language. So as I am writing this essay I start talking about a child's past without technology. As I am talking about life as a child, I start to think about my childhood. And one story just popped into my head hahahaha.

So my entire 3rd grade class was taking a trip to the fire station. But instead of taking a bus, we just walked for five blocks to the fire station. The teachers played it safe and made everyone buddy up and get into a line. I remember I was buddied up with this random white kid... I don't remember his name, but I remember him being white. So as we were walking, I decided to raise my hand for a question. yeah... what the hell would I be asking when we are WALKING??? well anyways I raise my hand as close to the sky as I can, and the teacher doesn't notice me. I didn't move my hand, cause it was an important question i guess hahaha. and as I was keeping my hand raise, a pigeon flies on by and POOPS right on the palm of my hand. so with the poop on my hand, I decided to wipe the poop on my friend's arm. He was pale enough to not notice the poop markings on his arm, and the kid went on for the rest of the trip with bird crap on his arm.


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