Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day Seven

March 14, 2010

Today is Pi Day! Weeoo!

Anyways, so today me and three other fellahs were playing basketball in CV. 2-2. And out of no where these four guys walk up to us and ask for a 4-4 game. And we said, "Sure, why not!"...THEY WERE BEASTS! freaking fast a lightning. ANYWAYS. Well so we said best of three games to 11points! The first game we lost 7-11. Then we got our mojo and won the second game 11-9. BOOM SUCKA! And the last game we lost 10-12. We were close. Next time.

So after our crazy three games we washed our hands at the water fountains and headed home. So as we were walking we decided that its too much working bending over and carrying the basketball, so we started kicking it to the car. So David was kicking the ball in front of this hairy white guy and David accidently kicked the ball too hard. Instead of moving out of the way, the white man kicks the ball! It bounces off David's foot and back at the man's foot. And it flies off 20 feet away. Crazy hairy man.

And after our hairy man encounter we see this 250 pound man climbing a fence. I think he got tired climbing up. Cause at the top, he was just sitting there with the fence between his legs. Lovely view.

And last but not least, I bought myself a pack of MEGA MYSTERY flavor stride WEEOO.


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